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Monday, September 22, 2014

Vacation in Waterton

My favorite place to visit in the summer to Waterton National Park, Alberta, Canada.  My grandparents had one of the 10 cabins on the lake front.  We would always go and open the cabin on the 24th of May long weekend, which was Victoria DayNamed for Queen Victoria's birthday. We would always take a hike up to the Prince of Wales Hotel and look at the grandeur of this stately hotel.
Prince Of Wales Hotel

I recently made a trip to pick up a chair and love seat that had been my grandmas and was her mothers before that.

Monday, September 1, 2014

An orange in the toe of my stocking

Every Christmas morning I could count of getting a mandarin orange in the toe of my Christmas stocking. I loved to save it for later in the day and would sit in the corner and peel that mandarin orange slowly and then eat it even more slowly.  I wonder if I can find a family photo of my stocking and my orange. I sure do need to write that memory up as part of a family story.

Do you have special memories of what was in your Christmas stocking?

Do you have some photos with special memories?

Let's get them ready to share...